Thursday 31 July 2014

TAG! You’re it!

About a month ago I got in my car and, looking out the front window, saw something pinned under my windscreen wiper. I got out and found a pack of ten blank occasion cards with butterflies on them, along with this card…

On the front it says:
Smile! You've just been tagged! Experiments in Anonymous Kindness is the name of the game and now... YOU'RE IT!

I did smile! I love random acts of kindness and I love butterflies :)

So, I had just been tagged in a game of happiness spreading ‘it’ - FUN!

On the back of the card were the words “Someone reached out to you with an anonymous act of kindness. Now it’s your chance to do the same. Do something nice for someone, leave this card behind and keep the spirit going!” It also had the web address and the Gandi quote ‘The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose’.

Visiting the website, I found out that Kind Spring is a project from an organisation called 'Service Space'. Service Space is a volunteer organisation that believes in the inherent generosity of people and creates an online network where kind hearted folk can connect, supporting each other in their happiness spreading endeavours. Their site says “through our small, collective acts, we hope to transform ourselves and the world”. What a nice concept that is and true to one of my favourite quotes: ‘No act of kindness, however small is ever wasted’.

The project has over 43,000 members worldwide and has lots of lovely stories on their site from people sharing their adventures in kindness and smile spreading. You can read them by clicking here.

Nothing like a few stories of kindness to help you see the good that exists in the world!
I think it is vitally important to be aware of bad things that are happening and not live in your own bubble, but if you only hear the bad it’s easy to get dragged down. I
mmersing ourselves in some of the good that is happening in the world can give us hope and confidence that our actions really can make a difference and that, even though we are only one person, we can have a positive effect.

 These little stories of kindness won't make it onto the news, but they do make a difference, not only to the people directly involved but to those who read them. Go on, try it now! Reading these Kind Spring stories, seeing these simple acts of kindness and the effect they have is beautifully heart-warming. It brings you optimism and a sense of unity with other kind hearted people. Likewise, watching a video this week of people saving animals from various dire situations they had found themselves in brought a huge smile to my face and a tear or two to my eye recently!

So next time you’re losing faith in what is happening, find an uplifting video or article account about a gentle soul doing something good. It will make you smile!

Right, now it’s my turn to tag someone to spread some kindness and smiles…


Go make someone smile! :)