Wednesday 16 July 2014

In the infamous words of Gandalf

I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.
Preferably more than one person. In fact, the more the merrier.

Admittedly, this isn't a sword wielding dragon slaying adventure: I can't promise you hoarded gold, but I do hope you find some little precious things of interest along the way.

Some time ago I realised that I was disconnected from what I thought and said in life and what I actually did. I felt I wasn't living as gently as I wanted to.

With this in mind, I'm trying to reach a point of greater awareness about things, especially the consequences of our actions. For the sake of other people, all animals and species (not just the super cute ones) and the environment, I want to do my bit.

This is not a revolutionary idea; I know loads of people care worldwide and are living gently. You may be one of them - high five to you! I'm here to share my little personal efforts in trying to do better as I learn more about myself and the world I live in with all of you fellows.

So, if matters like effective charitable giving, the best recipe for vegan banana loaf and campaigning for what you believe in are your thing, I hope you'll join me. You can also expect attempts at witty observational comedy thrown in for good measure.

Let's do this!

Way to go Bilbo